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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Development of indoor positioning system with ultrasonic and infrared signals Project topic

Development of indoor positioning system with ultrasonic and infrared signals

Development of indoor positioning system with ultrasonic and infrared signals
IJGI | Special Issue : Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
IJGI | Special Issue : Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation | Development of indoor positioning system with ultrasonic and infrared signals
Adaptive Filtering for Indoor Localization using ZIGBEE RSSI and ...
Tech A Positioning System That Goes Where GPS Can' | Development of indoor positioning system with ultrasonic and infrared signals
The Bat Ultrasonic Location System
The Bat Ultrasonic Location System | Development of indoor positioning system with ultrasonic and infrared signals
Sensors | Special Issue : Sensorial Systems Applied to Intelligent ...
Development of indoor positioning system with ultrasonic and infrared signals
Localizing with Passive UHF RFID Tags Using Wideband Signals ...


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